illust World

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In addition, this site carries advertisements by affiliate programs. It is the responsibility of the user and the linked company to purchase products and use services.

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In addition, even if you request the creation of an illustration, the author can decline the request in the following cases.

  1. When it is judged that the identity of the client is insufficient
  2. When repeated corrections are requested due to lack of confirmation / expression of the client
  3. When a major correction of the illustration is requested after accepting the rough drawing
  4. If you cannot contact the client for a long time
  5. When the author determines that it is difficult to provide the service properly

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illust world

Free material collection of commercially available illustrations What is Illustration World?

I often experienced "I want to make a leaflet but I can't design it" and "I want to make an easy-to-understand explanatory material but I can't draw a picture". Many people gave up because they didn't have a "sense of design and illustration" even after listening to the stories around them. I thought that if such people could use the illustrations of various situations for free, various possibilities such as promotion of their company and publicity of their activities would expand, so I created the illustration world. We hope that you can use the illustrations to help your activities.